What Are the Most Common Options for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic Dentist Cliffside Park, NJ

While you may have a great smile now, you could want to improve it further. A cosmetic dentist can give you the smile of your dreams, which can help boost your confidence and self-esteem. Here are some of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures offered. See how to take care of dental problems and give yourself another reason to show off your smile.

Popular cosmetic dentistry options

Let your dentist know about your interest in cosmetic dentistry procedures. Then, you can work together to decide which treatments suit your goals. The dentist's recommendations depend not only on your goals but also on your facial structures and appearance, such as your facial shape, cheekbones, and jaw size.

Tooth bleaching

Coffee, wine, tobacco products, and soda are a few common tooth-staining culprits. If you consume any of them regularly, your teeth may have superficial stains that make you feel self-conscious about smiling. For a quick way to brighten your smile, consider tooth bleaching.

One advantage of this option is it does not require a lengthy commitment or several visits, providing quick results with minimal side effects. Tooth bleaching is also one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry options. Rather than potentially waste money on over-the-counter tooth bleaching kits, it can be more efficient to let your cosmetic dentist handle the job.

Dental veneers

If the teeth are discolored due to medical conditions or medication use, professional whitening may not be adequate. Depending on the extent of the staining on teeth, bleaching may not totally whiten your smile. Dental veneers could be the solution. Other than for staining, your dentist may recommend veneers if you have fractured or chipped front teeth. It is also recommended if there are gaps between teeth or if the teeth are misshapen.

With this cosmetic dentistry option, thin porcelain shells are placed over your teeth's facial surface, and it requires two steps. In this procedure, your dentist files down the tooth enamel before taking an impression to create the veneers. Then, while waiting for your permanent custom veneers to arrive back from the lab, you wear temporary veneers.

Enamel bonding 

Dentists recommend enamel bonding for patients who have chipped or severely stained teeth. The composite bonding material used for this treatment is the same as the material used for white dental fillings. Because of the material's malleability, a dentist can mold it into the desired shape over the teeth. It is then hardened it with light. Bonding is typically a quick procedure, as it only requires one visit, but the results do not last as long as dental veneers.

Composite fillings

A dentist can restore a cavity with composite instead of metal amalgam fillings when you have a cavity. Composite fillings match your teeth's natural color, making them less noticeable than amalgam. If you already have metal fillings, a cosmetic dentist can remove and replace them with composite fillings.

Enamel abrasion

Another way to address tooth discoloration is enamel abrasion. This cosmetic dentistry technique relies on a microabrasion machine and fine pumice to resolve surface stains on your teeth. However, abrasion does not address intrinsic stains inside the tooth enamel or natural tooth stains, so other treatments may be recommended.

Teeth straighteners

One common complaint people have about their smiles is crooked teeth. A dentist can fix this issue using one of the various straightening methods. Common ones include traditional braces and clear aligners. Braces are made with metal brackets that attach to the front of the teeth. A wire connects them and is periodically tightened to straighten the teeth. Braces also come with ceramic brackets, which are less noticeable.

Clear aligners are customized trays that fit the top and bottom rows of teeth. Tighter ones replace them as straightening occurs. Aligners can be taken out for eating and cleaning, and they are much less obvious than traditional braces. 

Clear aligners are quite popular with teenagers and professional adults who want to improve their smiles. Along with their subtle look, the straightening time is often shorter. However, they may not be as good for severely misaligned teeth. For those situations, the dentist may recommend braces for more effective results. 


The right dentistry treatments can help enhance the look of your teeth as well as improve your oral health. However, you should know the pros and cons of each method before making a decision. Speak with a cosmetic dentist about getting the whiter, brighter smile you deserve.

Request an appointment here: https://cliffsidefamilydentistry.com or call Cliffside Family Dentistry at (201) 917-7977 for an appointment in our Cliffside Park office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Cosmetic Dentist in Cliffside Park, NJ.

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